2019: DETECT
The aim of the first Prague Cyber Security Conference was to raise awareness about the importance of 5G security and to detect both technical and non-technical threats of 5G infrastructure in the context of national security. Key recommendations can be found in the Prague Proposals.
The Prague Cyber Security Conference is held under the Presidency of the Czech Republic in the Council of the EU and focuses on supply chain security of 5G and next-generation networks, emerging and disruptive technologies and other strategic infrastructure.
The aim of the second Prague Cyber Security Conference was to discuss the specific tools that States have adopted to respond to the existing challenges and secure the 5G infrastructure. Key developments can be found in the Prague 5G Repository.
The aim of the third Prague Cyber Security Conference is to identify the implications of 5G security for the deployment of emerging and disruptive technologies and their impact on national security. Key findings will be summarized in the outcome of the conference.